ANC Calculator: Compute Your Absolute Neutrophil Count
About the ANC Calculator
Your Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) is an estimate of the number of your neutrophils (infection-fighting white cells). Your ANC can indicate your risk of infection. ANC is computed from a blood test called a differential, which shows the percentages or quantities of various types of white cells in your blood. For more information about your ANC and what it means, see ANC: Absolute Neutrophil Count.
You can use the ANC Calculator to compute your ANC from the white cell counts shown on your differential. Unlike other ANC Calculators on the Internet, the Marrowforums ANC Calculator handles variations in how differentials are reported by labs, i.e., the different combinations of reported counts, varying naming conventions, varying units of measurement, and lab results with either absolute number of cells or percentages of cells. To learn how, see Computing Your ANC.
  • Your blood test results, including white cell differentials, can vary from day to day. The results of a single differential blood test and ANC computation may not be a definite indicator of your risk of infection.
  • The ANC Calculator can help you learn more about your health and identify questions to ask your doctor. Tools like this must not be used to make your own diagnostic or treatment decisions or to replace medical consultations.
Marrowforums ANC Calculator

To use the ANC Calculator, fill in each field below if the corresponding count appears on your differential lab report. Then look for your Absolute Neutrophil Count at the bottom. Leave a field blank if the count is not on your lab report. Click the questions on the right to learn more about your white cell types.

Your ANC will be computed once you have filled in sufficient information. If you fill in additional fields, the ANC Calculator will do additional error checking. Watch for messages, explanations, or cautions that appear in red.

If you would like help using the ANC Calculator or run into a case it does not handle, please contact Marrowforums. Helping you will also help us improve the ANC Calculator for other people!

White blood cell count
WBC White Blood Cells   What are white cells?
Are your differential counts shown as percentages or as absolute numbers of cells? What if I'm not sure?
What if I have both?
absolute numbers of cells
Granulocytes (polynuclear leukocytes)
(if given)
percentage What are polys?
NEUT Neutrophils or Total neutrophils
(if given)
percentage What are neutrophils?
SEGS Segmented neutrophils
(if given)
percentage What are segmented neutrophils?
BANDS Band neutrophils
(if given)
percentage What are bands?
EOS Eosinophils or MID percentage What are eosinophils?
BASO Basophils percentage What are basophils?
Non-granulocytes (mononuclear leukocytes)
LYMPH Lymphocytes percentage What are lymphocytes?
MONO Monocytes percentage What are monocytes?
  Total of all percentages   Should the total be 100%?
How is the total computed?
Absolute Neutrophil Count
ANC Absolute Neutrophil Count cells/µL What does ANC tell me?
Why is the ANC field blank?
Interpreting Your ANC
ANC values are labeled differently by different treatment centers. The categorizations below are the most common.
Your ANCANC RangeClassificationNotes
  0 to 500severe neutropenia 
  500 to 1000moderate neutropenia 
  1000 to 1500mild neutropenia Some treatment centers consider 1000 to 1500 "below normal" and others "normal".
  1500 to 1800no neutropenia Most treatment centers consider 1500 to 1800 "normal" while a few consider it "below normal".
  1800 and aboveno neutropenia "Normal" range
What happens next?
The formula used by the ANC Calculator is displayed under your Absolute Neutrophil Count. We recommend that you confirm this formula with your lab or doctor and ask your doctor what your ANC results mean for your health and treatment. If you keep a record of your blood counts and your ANC over time, you can watch for significant changes.
If you are neutropenic, your doctor may prescribe treatment or recommend lifestyle changes. The more severe the neutropenia, the more likely it is that action will be needed.
Treatments can include:
  • changes in medication you are already taking
  • granulocyte-colony stimulating factors (G-CSFs)
  • immunosuppression
  • steroids
  • antibiotics
  • antifungals
  • removal of the spleen (splenectomy)
  • white cell transfusions (very rare)
Lifestyle changes can include:
  • staying away from crowds
  • avoiding travel
  • wearing a mask
  • having others in your household wear a mask ("reverse quarantine")
  • extra care in general and oral hygiene
  • delaying dental procedures
  • a neutropenic (low infection risk) diet
  • fast medical attention if you have a fever or other signs of infection
For severe neutropenia, such as occurs during or after a bone marrow or stem cell transplant, isolation may be necessary.
Privacy Notice
The ANC Calculator does not store, save, or upload your data to Marrowforums. The form is cleared of all data each time you load the page or click the Clear Calculator button.
The data you fill in stays on your own computer and is used only to help you understand your own differential results. We encourage you to protect the privacy of your medical information.
Marrowforums would like to hear your feedback on its ANC Calculator, to make the calculator as accurate, informative, and useful as possible. Please contact us with your feedback or participate in our forum discussion.