"Our Hike" Ends
October 27, 2006, Point Reyes, California
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Paul, from the U.K., met Robin and Patty on the American Discovery Trail and flew up from Guatemala for this event! The last of many pairs of boots. A long-awaited encounter: the Pacific Ocean!

"We did it!" Victory! Warm enough for a good dip.

Robin is all smiles. Smiles are contagious. Showing off "hiker's tan."

Patty and Robin with their gear. The yellow sleeping pads replaced the heavier inflatable mattresses they used at first. John Fazel presents a plaque on behalf of the American Discovery Trail. "In Recognition, Robin Grapa and Patty Laatsch, for dauntless determination and courage in backpacking over 4,000 miles coast-to-coast on the American Discovery Trail, Point Reyes, California, October 27, 2006"

Ruth Cuadra, representing the AA&MDSIF, for which "Our Hike" raised over $106,000. Gifts from the AA&MDSIF. Robin thanks her supporters.

Robin and Patty both explained what the hike meant to them. Family is #1. Neil Cuadra offers further congratulations.

San Francisco TV reporters interview Robin and Patty (and later Ruth) for an evening news broadcast. The Laatsch and Grapa families. Adelaide Nye makes a personal donation (to be employer-matched!) to the AA&MDSIF "Our Hike" fund.

Yashar, a recovering aplastic anemia patient (2nd from right), helps commemorate the moment. Robin is off for some well-deserved rest. She and her family will visit tourist sites around San Francisco before returning to Oshkosh, Wisconsin.  

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Photos by Neil Cuadra